Founder . Esthetician. Wax Specialist

Madeline is a highly-skilled, esthetician with over 12 years of experience, specializing in full-body waxing and dermaplaning. With a confident hand, and a gentle touch, Madeline‘s clients continue to return to The Wax Room for her expertise and skin care knowledge.


Founder . Esthetician. Wax Specialist

Kathleen is an experienced esthetician with over 12 years of expertise in the field. Known for her kindness, professionalism, and gentle approach, she is highly regarded as an expert in her craft. Kathleen’s exceptional skills and dedication to her work have earned her the reputation of being a rockstar in the industry. With her extensive knowledge and passion for skincare, she strives to provide top-notch services and ensure the utmost satisfaction of her clients.

Madeline and Kathleen are an inseparable duo who have traversed the journey of friendship for 12 years. Their bond is rooted in a shared determination to lift each other up, providing unwavering support along the way.

Madeline and Kathleen exude a passion for making their customers happy. Beyond their professional lives, these dynamic women embark on thrilling adventures together, fearlessly taking on any project that comes their way. With their indomitable spirit and natural camaraderie, Madeline and Kathleen are a force to be reckoned with in both friendship and business, leaving an indelible mark on the lives they touch.